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Wellness Policy

School Wellness Policy

USD# 286 Chautauqua County Community Schools

School Year 2017– 2018


A. During the school day:

*We will be reminding new staff about foods and beverages for classroom rewards, parties and celebrations will not be provided until at least one

hour after the end of the last lunch period.

*Parents, teachers and organizations will be continually informed about our guidelines and encouraged

to follow them.

*Health and Wellness tips are shared at the morning meeting for K-6th grade students.

* Guidelines will be on our website.


B. General Guidelines & classroom:  

*Fresh Fruit and Vegetable grant continues for the school year 2017-2018.

*In conjunction with K-State Extension Office, 2nd and 4th grade students will participate in health class.

*We will pursue asking qualified personnel to provide

nutrition education such as KS State Dept. of Education,

K-State Research & Extension, health and agriculture

organizations, etc.

*Teaching training on cooperative learning with Kagan to get students up and moving during class (PreK-12).

*Our Ag teacher will have his class continue com- posting and plant seeds again in the spring to grow

a variety of vegetables.

*Our FACS teacher will encourage a “STAR” event this year, based on nutrition.

*After school program will have a walking club.

*High School biking club- bikes were purchased for high school PE classes to use for cardio workouts.

*Aerobics and Cardio will be offered as a last hour option for Jr. High students that aren’t doing sports.


C. Cafeteria:

*We will encourage teachers to take their classes to

the cafeteria and observe how it operates and get

students to participate in taste tests and surveys.

*After lunch, High school students will have time for outside activities or Ping Pong in the student lounge.


D. Events during the school day:

*K-5 will participate in a “Heart Smart Day” in February on physical fitness and healthy living.

*Mileage club for K-5th graders.

*Fall Fun Day including outdoor physical activities.

*We plan on using one of our Family Nights for teaching Fitness.

*Body Venture is scheduled every other school year.

*We will hold a National Walking Day in April for grades    K-12.

*We have a Community Service Day in April each year.


E. Family and Community:

*Rebecca Kunath, Food Service Director, will put a nutritional newsletter in our local newspaper quarterly.

*Our lunch and breakfast menus will be posted on our

school website.

*We have added a parent and community member to our Wellness Committee.

F. Recess:

*All elementary students will have recess prior to lunch.  

*Students will be offered to walk at recess vs. sitting for behavior issues.

*Additional playground equipment will be provided to encourage play. Examples: additional balls, Frisbees, jump ropes, etc.

G. Staff Wellness:

*Staff will be encouraged to participate in the

“Walk for Kansas” event in 2017. We will also check

Into “Walk Kansas Kids” which has their own website

with worksheets for students. This program can be

implemented through classroom teachers or the P.E.


*Teachers can purchase ½ price membership to our local fitness center, Fit Zone Gym. The district pays the other ½.

*All staff members have access to the school’s weight and fitness room 24/7 with updated cardio equipment.

*We will have a Healthy Staff Challenge. Hoping to

*Nathan Hinrichs, USD#286 Superintendent, sends out a wellness newsletter via email to all staff monthly.