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Counselor's Corner

Scholarships will be made available as soon as they are received by the Counselor
When a scholarship is available the link will include the current year.

All Scholarships are in pdf format. Students and Alumni are encouraged to download scholarships and open files in dochub to complete.

Current Seniors may also access scholarships through their USD 286 Google Drive as a Google Doc


Local Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

Caney Valley Electric Scholarship - 25


FFA Booster Club Scholarship-24


Russell Family Foundation Scholarship-25


SAEOP Scholarship-25


CQ County Farm Bureau Scholarship-25

FCA Scholarship-24


Elevate Bank Scholarship-24


Coco Sutton Memorial Scholarship-25 Cude Memorial Scholarship-24


Music Booster Club Scholarship-24


Chapter DC PEO Scholarship-24


Sedan Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship-24
First Baptist Church Scholarships-24

Travis Scholarship-25

Root Scholarship-25


General Info Travis/Root/Warrender-25

Mark Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship-24



Sharon Katie Walton Music Memorial Scholarship-25


Les Davis Blue Devil Scholarship-25 Lemert Ranch Trust Scholarship-24


Kolton Chase Memorial Scholarship-25



Four County Mental Health Scholarship-25

4-H Scholarship-25


Howard State Bank Scholarship - 25


Blue Devil Foundation Scholarship-25 Tanner Miller Memorial Scholarship-25



John & Shirley Laster Memorial Scholarship-24

John & Shirley Laster Memorial Scholarship Form-24


Outside Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

Bill House Hereford Scholarship-22 Dale Misak Memorial Scholarship-24


Kansas County Clerks Association Scholarship-25


Flinthills League Summer Ball Scholarship-24


William Newton Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship-23


Purple Pack Catbackers K-State Scholarship-24

Alumni Scholarships

First Baptist Church Scholarships-24 Russell Family Foundation Scholarship-25



Travis Scholarship-25




John & Shirley Laster Memorial Scholarship-24

John & Shirley Laster Memorial Scholarship Form-24


Cude Memorial Scholarship-24 CQ County Farm Bureau Scholarship-25
Lemert Ranch Trust Scholarship-24