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Remote Student Guidelines


Remote Learning applies only to those students who fall under the following two categories

  1. Families who have applied for and been accepted as full-time remote students
  2. Students who have been quarantined or isolated by a health official


Remote Learning Students have criteria that are expected to be met.


Students Criteria

  • Check-in every school day for all classes for the entire period
  • Cameras are  turned on and showing the student unless permission is given by the instructor
  • Interaction with the class by asking and answering questions, being involved in discussions, and working on projects and homework as assigned.
  • Present themselves as if in school in terms of personal appearance, dress code, and behavior

If the criteria are not being met:

  • Isolated and quarantine students may be counted unexcused absent from the class
  • Full-time Remote students may be denied the remote learning option


In-Person Student Guidelines

For In-Person students, attendance guidelines listed in the student handbook will apply.  Students are not allowed to alternate between In Person and Remote.  Should a parent or guardian call in for a student, the student will be marked as excused absent for the day.  They may choose to remote into class to keep up on class material but should not expect work to be ready for them.  They will be allowed the allotted time in the student handbook to complete their school work.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during these difficult times.

If you have any questions please contact Mr. Rieschick or the Sedan Jr/Sr High School office.